I wanted to post this message several times for nearly a year now and I never did because I want this blog to be a friendly place but I reached my boiling point, so here it is.
It's so pathetic and it's a shame to read all those posts that are literally destroying the hosts on TSC's Facebook page. It's always the same people taking great pleasure, using the Internet, to "make a name" for themselves by constantly trying to destroy a great discussion forum over and over again.
These people are called "Trolls". In Internet slang, a "troll" is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous or off-topic messages in an online community such as a discussion forum, chat room or blog with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response or to disrupt normal on-topic discussion.
There are hundreds of other TV channels to choose from these days if they're not happy so these people are doing this intentionally .
And the hosts are also facing a big problem since a couple of years now: guests behaving badly. Some guests are rude and impolite toward the hosts and the models. Some guests are touching the models about 50 times a show in an unjustified way. Call me old fashioned but that's inappropriate to me. Don't touch the models. I give a special mention to Wayne Clark. He's always a true gentleman toward the models.
When the hosts have to put their foot down because they lost control of the show to an eccentric guest, it means they have a serious problem on their hands to deal with and they have absolutely no other choice to do so. The hosts have to deal with those bad behaviours and it's always a very delicate situation they're put in.
It's so easy to criticize someone doing a job they would never be able to do in a million years. They have no idea how complicated it is to host a live show at TSC. Few people can do that. All the hosts on the other networks have cue cards and/or teleprompters that basically almost puts the words in their mouth, not at TSC.
It never shows on TV because they are all so professional and experienced but unlike elsewhere, the hosts at TSC always have to think about 2 or 3 things at the same time, the producers frequently talks to them through their earpieces and there's countless other distractions that goes on in front of them you wouldn't believe.
It's astonishing how they can find a way to be so coherent and fluid in their words, thoughts and gestures with such distractions and so much to think about! So to all the hosts and hostesses at TSC, I say keep your heads up, forget the trolls and you're simply the best!!
Thank you for your kind and appreciated words! :D
- fellow host
You're welcome!! I simply said what I wanted to say several months ago and I couldn't hold it anymore.
I'm very happy to know that my message made you feel good!! You all deserve some recognition in the work you do! Keep up the good work!
I feel the same way Andrew, there was one case in particular that seemed really inappropriate. I was watching tsc with my mother and both of us felt uncomfortable watching a certain guest, we had to turn it off. The hosts do a very good job dealing with over hyper and sometimes rude guests, hats off to them.
Thank you for not mentioning any names in your comment. I appreciate that.
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