Thursday, December 16, 2010

So long dear Carol ... (December 16 2010)

A piece of TSC's heart and soul is gone today with Carol's departure. Do I need to say more than that? ...

So many viewers who considered her as an old friend they loved to watch on TV will dearly miss her. Her vacant position can be replaced but Carol as a person can't and will never be replaced. I wish Carol the very best of luck and a huge success in her next endeavors.

The young lady in black is Carol's lovely daughter Lauren. I still have some videos about Carol and I will post them all.

So long Carol and I hope to see you on TV again someday ...

Download the video of this gallery (Carol's farewell speech)


Anonymous said...

After Debra, Carol was my all time favorite. Her beauty, grace and charm will be missed.

Andrew said...

Carol is already missed and the same goes for Debra, Rosanne and Kirsten. Carol was a great loss for TSC.

It's not a prediction (because I'm not good with predictions!) but don't be surprised if you see Carol on TV again someday. I know I won't ...