Saturday, March 19, 2011

TSC in HD: The impossible dream!

Someone made a comment and wished that TSC would broadcast in HD, just like HSN and QVC in the USA.

Oh my God, don't even make me dream of that!! To give you an exact idea of what an HD vidcap from TSC would look like if TSC was broadcasting in HD, take a look at the two pictures in the gallery below and enlarge them to their full size even if your screen definition is less than 1440x800.

These vidcaps are not mine and they were taken from the HSN channel in HD. All the credits go to the unknown person who took them. They are strictly used for demonstration purposes.

View this gallery

Now, can you imagine all my vidcaps looking like that?? That would be so awesome!! I would love to see in HD the eyes of Susan Yull and Phyllis Kotzer in particular because they seem to be so blue!! Time to wake up from the dream now!!


Nut334 said...

One time a guest mentioned hd to carol fysh when she was still a hostess, carol said that they have the hd equipment. They are just waiting on getting "the service", maybe we will see it sometime soon.

Andrew said...

Thank you so much for sharing that information!! I appreciate it a lot!! Maybe the dream will become reality someday! :))

Rogers is a major company in the televised industry so it's very obvious that they have all the HD equipment at hand.

A shopping channel company in the States (I can't remember if it's QVC or HSN) once mentioned on their website that they went HD because they thought their public deserved to have the best image quality there is for them to look at the details of the products they sell.